The role of the EU ETS in increasing the EU climate ambition

The aim of the project is to provide policy makers in Finland, the EU Commission and other Member States as well as stakeholders with concrete recommendations on how to increase the ambition on the EU ETS in order to deliver a climate target compatible with a 1.5 C warming goal. The parties in the Finish Parliament have agreed on unified climate policy goals in December 2018 including objective to increase the EU climate target for 2030 to 55% compared to 1990 levels. An appropriate ETS target is derived and options to strenghen the ETS are presented and evaluated. These include both quantity based measures such as adapting the cap and strenghtening the MSR and measures based on price.


More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2019

Project manager

Verena Graichen
Sienna Healy

Project staff

Sabine Gores
Deputy Head of Division / Senior Researcher Energy & Climate

Funded by

The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra