TRANSENS - Transdisciplinary Research on High-Level Radioactive Waste Management in Germany - Research to Improve the Quality and Robustness of the Sociotechnical Design of the Disposal Pathway

The management of nuclear waste is scientifically challenging and socially controversial. At TRANSENS, we bring scientists together with citizens and, within the framework of the project, we want to - strengthen the connection between science and society - make an innovative contribution to the understanding between society and science, and - support the promotion of young scientists and the preservation of competencies. TRANSENS consists of a research network of 16 institutes and chairs. In TRANSENS, research is transdisciplinary, i.e. the interested public is integrated in a planned manner into research contexts, specifically into four Transdisciplinary Work Packages (TAP). The possibilities of transdisciplinary research in nuclear waste management will be systematically reflected in the research network (transdisciplinarity research).

More information about the project

Status of project

Project is ongoing

Project manager

Project staff

Saleem Chaudry

Funded by

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)
Ministry of Science and Culture of Lower Saxony

Website of project
