Viable, sustainable economic stimuli for coping with the economic consequences of the corona crisis (especially for SMEs)

The aim of the project is to make proposals for sustainable economic stimuli for a sustainable stimulus package in the Covid-19 crisis. First, earlier economic stimulus programmes launched in Germany and other countries in the wake of the financial and economic crisis of 2008/2009 are evaluated. Criteria for economic stimulus programmes are developed and sector-specific and overarching challenges described. Based on these criteria, proposals for sustainable economic stimulus measures are identified, analyzed, evaluated and described in the form of fact sheets. In addition, a qualitative short assessment of the Coalition Committee's decision on the economic recovery package published during the project period is carried out.

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2020

Project manager

Project staff

Ruth Blanck
Jan Peter Schemmel
Dr. Franziska Wolff
Sabine Gores
Deputy Head of Division / Senior Researcher Energy & Climate
Jens Gröger
Research Coordinator for sustainable digital infrastructures / Senior Researcher Sustainable Products & Material Flows
Dr. Wiebke Zimmer

Funded by

German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU)