Yearly Appliance Energy Cost Indication

The main objective of the Action was to provide customers with information at the point of sale on the yearly running cost of products with an energy label, in order to stimulate the uptake of affordable efficient products. The project should, in line with the IEE 2011 work programme, help "transform the market towards more energyefficient products", and should seek to "allow consumers to consider energy efficiency in their purchasing decisions". As regards public procurement, the aim of the project was to help achieve economies of scale of energy efficient products by providing the information on the running costs of appliances. In the project the following activities were to be carried out in each participating country: 1. Development/replication of a database with yearly running costs for the following products: cold appliances, washing machines, dishwashers, dryers, televisions; 2. Recruitment of retailers (in addition to the retailers who have already committed to participate at the start of the action); 3. Provision of information on yearly energy costs at the point of sale (shops) and on websites where the energy labelling class is shown of participating retailers; 4. Update of information on yearly running costs every 12 months; 5. Evaluation of the impact of the action.

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2015

Project manager

Project staff

Eva Brommer

Funded by

Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation

Project partners

NL Agency (NL EVD Internationaal)