Sustainability dimensions, blind spots in current regulation and certification, and potential solutions for hydrogen imports to Europe

Comparing sustainability of RES- and methane-based hydrogen

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The regulatory landscape for the sustainability of hydrogen in the EU can be compared to a complex construction site in an early stage of development, where the overall goal is clear, some foundations and cornerstones have been or are being built, but several important elements still need to be developed and agreed upon.

The study prepared by Öko-Institut and adelphi sheds light on some of this complexity. It distinguishes between hydrogen produced based on renewable electricity and hydrogen produced based on natural gas.

The study includes the following:

  • An analysis of the relevant "sustainability dimensions" in the hydrogen value chain.
  • An overview of existing hydrogen schemes and regulations in the EU as well as worldwide.
  • A description of core challenges relevant for the market ramp-up of sustainable hydrogen. The study outlines potential approaches to these challenges and discusses their advantages and disadvantages