An Illustrative Guide for Executives, Managers and Enterprise Stakeholders Seeking to Enhance the Positive Impacts of Responsible Business in Society

CSR Impact - Practitioners Handbook. From CSR to CIAM: Corporate Impact Assessment and Management

  • Christoph Brunn
    Deputy Head of Division / Senior Researcher Environmental Law & Governance
  • R. Barth

More than three years of high-level research in the IMPACT study has created an enormous amount of new data, insights and knowledge. Ultimately, though, the objective of European Union research funding is to see evidence-backed research outputs be translated into action that aims at delivering positive change in the economy and in society at large, including environmental considerations.

As such, at the end of major research projects such as IMPACT, the crucial question always is: What does this now mean for practitioners? To that end, we have created the following Handbook in the hope that it will support the acceleration of impact thinking, logic, methods and approaches within companies, in line with a more strategic alignment and transformation of CSR inside the firm.