State of play, current and future challenges

EU Environment and Climate Change Policies

This study reviews the state of play of on environmental and climate legislation in the EU and pinpoints key challenges for the next five years. Part 1 of this study summarizes the status of EU legislation, major EU targets and strategies in the area of environment and climate change policies, with a particular focus on the most recent actions adopted. The 7th Environmental Action Progremme (EAP) established three thematic priorities (protection and enhancement of the natural capital, establishment of a resource-efficient, green low-carbon economy and protecting the citizens’ health and well-being). These priorities will continue to be very relevant and it is important to continue EU policy implementation in these areas without disruption. Part 2 addresses upcoming challenges and crucial issues for the 2019 to 2024 legislative period. Crucial issues exist where legislative work from the previous legislative period still needs to be completed. This includes, for example, the framework to facilitate sustainable investment where the negotiation in the Council is ongoing and the adoption of the post-2020 (MFF). Part 2 also addresses priorities outlined by Commission President-elect von der Leyen such as a European Green Deal, a New Circular Economy Action Plan focusing on sustainable resource use, especially in resource-intensive and high-impact sectors such as textiles and construction, a Biodiversity Strategy for 2030, or more ambitious targets on GHG emission reduction. The study was provided to the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety of the European Parliament.