Understanding CCQI Scores

Factsheet Efficient Cookstoves

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Emission reductions from projects supporting rural households to switch to an efficient stove for cooking are likely to be additional. Projects typically support poor households in developing countries, which would likely not be able to afford the high upfront costs of an efficient cookstove otherwise. High additionality risks exist for projects that support  household in urban areas where efficient stoves are likely common practice. A significant integrity risk lies with the methodologies used to quantify emission reductions. Due to their underlying assumptions and the permissible data, it is likely that emission reductions are overestimated substantially (by several hundred percent). Efficient cookstove projects  have material non-permanence risks. Natural disasters in the surrounding forest areas could reverse the emission reductions that they achieve due to less fuelwood consumption. One major advantage of the project type are its co-benefits. Projects support communities, particularly women, by reducing fuel costs, indoor air pollution, and freeing up time for  other activities.
