Handbook on the updated LULUCF Regulation EU 2018/841 - Guidance and orientation for the implementation of the updated regulation - Version 2

  • Sabine Gores
    Deputy Head of Division / Senior Researcher Energy & Climate
  • Etienne Mathias
  • Colas Robert
  • Valentin Bellassen
  • Amelie Lindmayer
  • Stephanie Wegscheider

To support Member States in the implementation of the revised LULUCF Regulation, the European Commission, DG CLIMA and the EEA tasked a consortium of contractors to prepare a Handbook to provide guidance and orientation for the implementation of the updated regulation. 

 This handbook aims to

  • Explain all elements of the LULUCF Regulation, including reporting requirements and reporting principles. It does so by providing practical tips, examples, and case studies from Member States.  
  • Enable an increase in the quality of GHG emissions and removals in the LULUCF sector emission inventory data by making use of latest methodologies and monitoring data.  
  • Disseminate knowledge and experience on how GHG monitoring in the land sector can be improved to reflect the effects of policies and measures. 

The Handbook is addressed not only to emission inventory experts but also those involved in land use policy making, policy implementation and monitoring and reporting, including forestry and agricultural policy experts.  

A first version of the Handbook was presented in December 2023 at a workshop in Copenhagen, and opened for feedback until March 2024, that supported the elaboration of this revised version 2.
