Executive Summary from the CollERS Project

Key Messages on Electric Roads

  • Martin G. H. Gustavsson
  • Julius Jöhrens
    Project Manager „Roadmap OH-Lkw“
  • Hinrich Helms
  • Filip Johnsson
  • Maria Taljegård
  • Prof. Dr. Tobias Bernecker
    Verkehrspolitik und Verkehrswirtschaft
  • Mats Engwall
  • Philip Almestrand Linné
  • Björn Hasselgren
  • Magnus Lindgren
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Electric road systems (ERS) enable electric power transfer to moving vehicles by means of overhead lines, rails or wireless technology. ERS constitutes a new type of technological system (“permanent pick-up”) that is a paradigm shift compared to traditional refuelling at fuel stations. ERS offers the possibility to electrify long-distance heavy-duty road transport, as well as buses and passenger cars, without using large batteries. ERS has the potential to reduce fossil fuel dependency, emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG), air pollutants and noise in urban environments, while increasing energy efficiency in the transport sector.

German and Swedish research organisations have conducted a joint study with the aim of (i) providing an assessment of different ERS concepts; (ii) assessing ERS markets, business models and financing strategies; (iii) researching requirements for international ERS interoperability; (iv) investigating the impact of ERS on the energy system and the environment; (v) recommending necessary policy actions to spur ERS introduction; and (vi) identifying a suitable ERS freight corridor between Sweden and Germany.

The joint study has been funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) and Trafikverket – the Swedish Transport Administration.

Further information: CollERS: Swedish-German Research Collaboration on Electric Road Systems
