Mobility Styles in Leisure Time: Reducing the environmental impacts of leisure and tourism travel
The research project primarily aims to close the gaps in research concerning the empirical description of leisure traffic (journey purposes, mobility characteristics); secondly, it seeks to provide new insights into the social and motivational causes of leisure mobility. Thirdly and finally, it aims to estimate the damaging effects upon the environment that have been calculated here for the first time in a way that is lifestyle-specific. The intention is that the target group-specific results should yield conclusions that lead to a reduction in environmental damage caused by leisure traffic (including short breaks).
The complete report was published as \"Mobility Styles in Leisure Time: Reducing the environmental impacts of leisure and tourism travel\" in the “Berichte” series 2/03 of the German Federal Environmental Agency by Erich Schmid publishing house (ISBN 3-503-07453-8; 39,80 €).