Branch- and product-related emission estimation tool for manufacturers, importers, and downstream users within the REACH-system

OECD Matrix Project

  • A. Ahrens
  • A. Reihlen
  • H. Schenck
  • M. Oenicke

The aim of the project is to support the use of already-existing emission estimation data for the exposure assessment which is required under REACH. The overall objective was to develop a set of technical guidance documents (manual and software tools) for emission estimation and subsequent exposure estimation as outlined in annex 1 of the draft REACH Regulation. Such guidance should be robust and easy to use by manufacturers, importers and downstream users of substances. The conceptual approach have been based on the methodology laid down in EU TGD on Risk Assessment of New and Existing Substances (2003) and the OECD Emission Scenario Documents (ESD). The ESD Matrix described in this project gives an overview on existing emission estimation data for several industrial branches. In addition, stand-alone emission estimation tools have developed for two branches (see also They refer to plastic additives and photochemicals. They have a modular structure and can be easily adopted to supply chains in other branches. The results have been worked out in intense exchange with RIVM, which has developed a guidance how to find the appropriate emission scenarios (see RIVM report Nr. 6012000006).