Prepared for the European Commission in the context of Service Contract No 070307/2009/548866/SER/C4

Preparatory study for a review of Regulation (EC) No 842/2006 on certain fluorinated greenhouse gases - Final report

  • Sabine Gores
    Deputy Head of Division / Senior Researcher Energy & Climate
  • et al.

The objective of this project was to assist the Commission in reviewing Regulation (EC) No 842/2006 by providing technical data, analyses and general support. The project included the following tasks:

  • A review of relevant F-gas markets and policies internationally as well as in the EU-27, including investigation of possible interactions, complementarities or overlaps amongst the EU F-gas policy framework (F-gas Regulation and MAC Directive) and other EU or international policies. An assessment of the effectiveness of current EU F-gas policy, through the development of appropriate models and datasets for emission scenarios in EU-27 and an ex-post assessment of the key elements in the current EU F-gas policy.
  • An assessment of the feasibility of emerging options for an international emission reduction arrangement for HFCs and, if appropriate, other F-gases by assessing the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of the replacement of F-gases, developing and comparing scenarios for the control of supply and/or production of HFCs while considering any other elements that could be appropriate to complement a possible international reduction arrangement for HFCs.
  • The development of options and recommendations for the review of the F-gas Regulation and an analysis of their impacts.