EEA Report No 4/2016

Renewable energy in Europe 2016 - Recent growth and knock-on effects

  • M. Tomescu
  • I. Moorkens
  • W. Wetzels
  • Lukas Emele
    Head of Energy Policy & Scenarios subdivision / Senior Researcher Energy & Climate

This report complements the findings shown in the "Trends and Projections in Europe 2015 - Tracking progress towards Europe`s climate and energy targets" report with details about the 2013 renewable energy sources (RES) progress at EU and at country level, and for key RES technologies. Furthermore, it provides approximated estimates for RES development in 2014 and seeks to answer the following key questions: Which fossil energy sources were substituted by the growth of RES consumption since 2005 and what would have been their GHG emissions? How do European RES developments compare against renewable energy transformations occurring in other parts of the world?