Sustainable Products & Material Flows

Andreas Manhart

Senior Researcher

Special Expertise

Main areas of research:

  • Circular economy, waste management and recycling
  • Resource management
  • Sustainable products and consumption


  • Circular economy
  • E-scrap and battery recycling
  • Resources and global material cycles
  • Extended producer responsibility (EPR)
  • Social and environmental standards in global value chains
  • Sustainability cooperation with emerging economies


  • Evaluation and improvement of recycling processes
  • Analysis of environmental hazard potentials in raw materials
  • Benchmark assessments of secondary lead smelters
  • Social Life Cycle Assessment (s-LCA)
  • Product Sustainability Assessment (PROSA)

Key Projects

  • E-Waste compensation as an international financing mechanism in Nigeria
  • Research & stakeholder engagement for improved management of used batteries in Africa
  • Sustainable solutions for reducing plastic packaging in Asia
  • Sustainable Recycling Industries (SRI)
  • Marine litter and microplastics: Promoting the environmentally sound management of plastic wastes and achieving the prevention and minimization of the generation of plastic wastes
  • Concepts for sustainable solid waste management
  • E-waste Ghana: Enhancing capacities of informal sector stakeholders & payment system for e-waste
  • Indo-German financial cooperation – scoping assignment solid waste management
  • Strategic Dialogue on Sustainable Raw Materials for Europe (STRADE)
  • Ghanaian-German Financial Cooperation (FC): Sound disposal and recycling of electrical and electronic equipment – feasibility study for the preparation of a new FC project
  • Research on resource efficiency in the ICT sector
  • The Lead Recycling Africa Project – standards for lead smelters: For a strong environmental movement in Africa

Professional Training and Career

  • 2005-2008: Research Analyst for German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU), Berlin 
  • Since 2005: Researcher at Öko-Institut, Sustainable Products & Material Flows Division
  • 2003-2005: Member of staff on the Mitigation of Geohazards – Urban Quality” development cooperation project of Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in Indonesia
  • 1999-2000: Academic year abroad, University of Edinburgh, Great Britain
  • 1997-2003: Undergraduate studies in Geography, LMU Munich; degree: Dipl.-Geogr. (Diploma Geographer)

Language Skills

English, Indonesian, French


Andreas Manhart

Recent projects

Recent publications