Sustainable Products & Material Flows
Dr. Dietlinde Quack
Senior researcher
Special Expertise
Main areas of research: Sustainable food systems, products and consumption
- Sustainable food systems
- Sustainable agriculture and food management
- Product and company-related climate protection
- Product policy, including implementation of the European framework directive EuP
- Labelling
- Stakeholder analysis
- Expert interviews
- SWOT analyses
- Transdisciplinary research methods
- Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
- Product Carbon Footprint (PCF)
- Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF)
- Product Sustainability Assessment (PROSA)
Key Projects
- GOBIOM: Design options for economically sustainable biodiversity-enhancing milk production systems in the model organic regions of Freiburg and Ravensburg (project management)
- STErn: Socio-ecological transformation of the food system. Shaping the future through the participation of pioneers of change and economically relevant actors
- EcoTopTen – the platform for ecological top products (project management)
- Shaping ecological change – implementation and updating of the Integrated Environmental Programme 2030
- Sustainable, long-term stimulus to overcome the economic consequences of the Corona crisis
- Strategic further development and scientific support of the activities and services of the Competence Centre for Sustainable Consumption
- Consumers4climate: How to position consumer organisations as relevant players in the debate against climate change?
- Sustainable consumption – strategies for societal transformation
- Trafo 3.0 – Governance model for socio-ecological transformation processes in practice: development and testing in three areas of application
- Scientific investigation to increase product-related energy efficiency
- Consumer requirements on carbon footprint or CO2 labels
Professional Training and Career
- Since 1999: Researcher at Öko-Institut, Sustainable Products & Material Flows Division
- 1994-2000: PhD studies on “Influence of energy standard and constructive factors on the environmental impact of residential buildings: a life cycle assessment; demonstration project: low-energy houses Heidenheim”, RWTH Aachen University; degree: Dr. rer. nat.
- 1992: Course in environmental management at the vocational training centres of the Bavarian Federations of Employers (bfz); degree: Environmental Management Specialist
- 1985-1992: Diploma studies in Biology, University of Würzburg and State University of New York at Albany; degree: Dipl.-Biologin (Diploma Biologist)
Language Skills
English, French
Dr. Dietlinde Quack
- Sustainable Products & Material Flows
- Senior researcher
- Freiburg
- +49 761 45295-248