Energy & Climate
Dr. Felix Christian Matthes
Research Coordinator for Energy & Climate Policy / Senior Researcher
Special Expertise
- Decarbonisation strategies for Germany and Europe
- Projections of emissions and energy demand (Germany and EU)
- Evaluation of energy and environmental policy instruments and policy mix
- Greenhouse gas emissions trading (EU and international) and carbon pricing approaches
- Coal phase-out strategies in Germany
- Technology-specific issues of the power system, e.g. with regard to hydrogen, nuclear power, industrial processes, and carbon capture and storage (CCS)
- Electricity market regulation and electricity market design
- International climate policy
Professional Training and Career
- Since 2009: Research Coordinator for Energy and Climate Policy at Oeko-Institut
- 2007/2008: Visiting scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change), Cambridge, MA (USA)
- 1997-2008: Coordinator of the Energy & Climate Division at Oeko-Institut and 2002-2004: Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Oeko-Institut.
- 1993: Study visit in the USA as Fellow of the German Marshall Fund of the United States.
- Since 1990: Forschungs- und Beratungstätigkeit am Öko-Institut und verantwortlich für die Gründung des Berliner Büros.
- 1999: Doctorate in political science (summa cum laude) at Freie Universität Berlin.
- 1985: Graduate studies in electrical engineering at the Leipzig University of Technology
External Roles
- Since 2022: Member of the Expert Commission on Monitoring the Energy Transition
- Since 2016: Member of the German-Japanese Energy Transition Council (GJETC)
- 2022: Member of the Expert Commission on Gas and Heat
- 2020-2022: Expert member of the Bremen Parliament’s Enquete Commission on Climate Protection
- 2019-2023: Member of the Steering Committee of the Climate Protection Science Platform
- 2018-2019: Member of the German Federal Government’s Commission for Growth, Structural Change and Employment (”Coal Commission”)
- 2011: Member of the Advisory Group on the Energy Roadmap 2050, on behalf of the European Commission’s Directorate General
- 2000-2003: Scientific Member of the Study Commission (Enquete Commission) “Sustainable Energy in the Framework of Globalization and Liberalization” of the 14th German Federal Parliament
- Member of the German Association for Energy Economics Research and Policy (GEE), affiliate to the International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE)
- Member of the German Political Science Association (DVPW)
- Member of Advisory Board of the Federal Association of Wind Energy Offshore (BWO)
- Member of the Scientific Advisory & Project Board of 50Hertz Transmission GmbH
Language Skills
- German (first language)
- English
Dr. Felix Christian Matthes
- Energy & Climate
- Research Coordinator for Energy & Climate Policy / Senior Researcher
- Berlin
- +49 30 405085-330