Kathrin Graulich
Special Expertise
Main areas of research: Sustainable products and consumption
Product policy tools (national, EU, international): Eco-design, energy label, eco-label, green public procurement
- PROSA (Product Sustainability Assessment)
- Expert interviews
- SWOT analyses
- Transdisciplinary sustainability research
Key Projects
- Innovative climate protection in private households – offsetting the additional electricity demand of e-mobility by expanding renewable energies and energy efficiency (E-Mob EE) (BMU NKI, 2021-2024)
- Preparatory study for the Ecodesign Working Plan 2020-2024 (DG GROW, 2020)
- ANTICSS – Anti-Circumvention of Standards for better Market Surveillance (Horizon2020, 2018-2021)
- Provision of expert assistance to support the EEA’s activities on circular economy / industrial transformation (EEA, 2020-2023)
- Development and testing of a concept for the introduction of independent product controls on the market for the Blue Angel eco-label (UBA, 2017-2020)
- Revision of the EU Green Public Procurement (GPP) Criteria for computers and monitors (and extension to smartphones) (JRC, 2019-2020)
- Use and economic efficiency of photovoltaic battery storage in combination with electricity saving (BMBF, 2017)
- Strengthen eco-design as a quality criterion in companies (UBA, 2016-2017)
- Scientific support of the European consumer organisations ANEC / BEUC in the EU Ecodesign and Energy label process
- Revision of the EU Ecodesign and Energy label regulations for household washing machines, washer-dryers and dishwashers (DG JRC, 2015-2016)
- EcoTopTen – Innovations for sustainable consumption (BMBF/BMELV, 2003-2007)
Professional Training and Career
- 2018-2019: Member (expert) of the Environment Committee of the Municipal Council of the City of Freiburg
- Since 2016: Member of the Board of Trustees of the Future Heritage Foundation (www.zukunftserbe.de)
- Since 2008: Deputy Head of the Sustainable Products & Material Flows Division
- Since 2000: Researcher at Öko-Institut, Sustainable Products & Material Flows Division
- 1995-2000: Diploma studies in Healthcare Engineering, specialising in “environmental and hygiene technology”, Lübeck University of Applied Sciences; degree: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) (Diploma Engineer)
- 1992-1995: Apprenticeship as bank clerk at Deutsche Bank AG, Lübeck
Language Skills
Kathrin Graulich
- Sustainable Products & Material Flows
- Deputy Head of Division / Senior Researcher
- Freiburg
- +49 761 45295-251