Sustainable Products & Material Flows
Dr. Martin Möller
Senior Researcher
Special Expertise
Main areas of research: sustainability assessment of technologies, materials systems and products/services
- Sustainability assessment of technologies, materials systems and products/services
- Ecological and economic optimisation of industrial processes and products
- Sustainability in companies
- Sustainability assessment based on the Agenda 2030 / Sustainable Development Goals
- Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and material flow analysis
- Product Carbon Footprint (PCF)
- Life Cycle Costing (LCC)
- Eco-efficiency analysis
Key Projects
- Development accompanying sustainability analyses in the cross-sectional project for the 'Digital GreenTech' funding measure
- Further development of a sustainability assessment method based on the sustainability goals of the United Nations (Agenda 2030)
- Sustainable utilization of resources – requirements for a sustainable bio-based economy as part of the implementation of Agenda 2030/SDGs
- SME innovative – collaborative project on resource efficiency: UpcyclePET – Development of innovative processes and formulations designed for the upcycling of PET-bottles and blister recyclates for high-tech plastic applications, TV 2: Assessment of sustainability aspects during product development
- Substitution as a strategy for reducing the criticality of raw materials for environmental technologies – determination of potentials for second best solutions
- Assessment of applications for exemption from the substance bans under the RoHS Directive
- Ensuring proper risk evaluation of nanomaterials to foster regulation of their production and use
- Development of an EMAS sectoral reference document on best environmental management practice for the electrical and electronic equipment manufacturing sector
- Funding initiative on aquaculture: Process-accompanying sustainability assessment on research and development projects under the DBU funding initiative “Sustainable Aquaculture”
- Investigation of the effects related to selected nanotechnology-based products on resource and energy requirements
- Nanomaterials: Impacts on environment and health
- Pre-procurement and early market creation of emerging technologies (SMART-SPP)
- Development of thermoplastic circuit boards as a contribution to closed-loop materials management, project coordination and in-process scientific research,
- Development of thermoplastic printed circuit boards as a contribution to the circular economy (BMBF joint project: Preparation and qualification phase)
- Life Cycle Analysis on hand-drying systems
- The EcoTopTen consumer information campaign – innovations for sustainable consumption patterns
Professional Training and Career
- Since 2023: Responsible Investigator for Cluster of Excellence livMatS (“Living, Adaptive and Energy-autonomous Materials Systems”) at University of Freiburg
- 2019-2022: PhD studies on “Development of a tiered methodological framework for a prospective sustainability assessment of novel technologies and material systems (TAPAS)”, University of Freiburg; degree: Dr. rer. nat.
- 2011-2019: Deputy Head of the Sustainable Products & Material Flows Division
- Seit 2002: Researcher at Öko-Institut, Sustainable Products & Material Flows Division
- 2000-2001: Graduant at Deutsche Bahn AG, Frankfurt
- 1998-2000: Student Assistant at the Institute for Environmental Engineering, Technische Universität (TU) Berlin
- 1994-2001: Studies in Environmental Engineering at Technische Universität Berlin; degree: Dipl.-Ing. (Diploma Engineer)
Language Skills
Dr. Martin Möller
- Sustainable Products & Material Flows
- Senior Researcher
- Freiburg
- +49 761 45295-256