[Translate to English:] © Öko-Institut

The EU is committed to reducing its climate-damaging greenhouse gases by at least 55% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels, as agreed in the trilogue on the European Green Deal. The Council of the European Union and the European Parliament thus acted on the European Commission’s proposals, set out in the Fit for 55 package, to introduce more ambitious climate targets and regulatory and market-based instruments. The main objectives are to boost energy efficiency in the EU, accelerate the expansion of renewable energies, establish more stringent emissions standards for passenger cars, build more climate change mitigation into land use, and reform and extend emissions trading.

The Oeko-Institut supports these processes by sharing its in-depth scientific expertise. For example, the researchers monitor the negotiations and legislative process and provide support to the European Commission, the European Parliament and the European Environment Agency (EEA) in the form of comprehensive analyses and assessments. They also monitor progress towards national and European climate targets and determine whether additional measures are required and what effect they may have. In addition, they identify the impacts of failure to meet climate targets, e.g. in the transport and building sectors, and calculate the associated costs to the German government.



  • Model of distributional effects of energy and climate policy measures

    Model of distributional effects of energy and climate policy measures

    Image 08/04/2022
    Microsimulation model
  • The EU's pathway to climate neutrality

    The EU's pathway to climate neutrality

    Image 01/29/2021
    The EU aims to be climate-neutral by 2050. This means that total residual emissions should not be higher than the CO2 permanently sequestered from the atmosphere by forests, etc. In moving towards this goal, the EU’s current climate target for 2030 – to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40 per cent compared with the 1990 baseline – must be raised to -55 per cent at minimum.