
"Half-time Energiewende?"

The animated film “Half-time Energiewende?” created by the Oeko-Institut marks 2015 as the half-way point on the path to a power supply that is predominantly based on renewable energy sources.

The animated film “Half-time Energiewende?” created by the Oeko-Institut marks 2015 as the half-way point on the path to a power supply that is predominantly based on renewable energy sources. Why? Thirty-five years ago Oeko-Institut coined the term Energiewende (energy transition) in a study that described how a power supply could be free of oil and uranium. From now on and in thirty-five years’ time the energy transition should be accomplished; by 2050 electricity production must be carried out almost completely without fossil fuels.

Please find further information about the German Energiewende on our website www.energiewende.de (in German language)

Information on energy and climate issues are available in English language on our website


Mandy Schoßig
Head of Public Relations & Communication
Oeko-Institut e.V., Berlin office
