
Accounting of negative and neutral emission technologies (NETs)

In this project, the project team

* analyses the coverage of negative and neutral emission technoloiges (NETs) (fossil CCS/CCU; BECCS/BECCU; DACCS/DACCU & biochar) in the reporting and accountig frameworks of GHG inventories, the EU ETS and the EU ESR;

* assesses overlaps and differences in carbon removal quantification approaches under the EU Carbon Removal Certification Framework (CRCF) and in GHG inventories;

* analyses the coverage of NETs in GHG emission projections of selected EU Member states; and

* elaborates case studies on the reporting and accounting of NETs relevant for the Finnish policy context.

Results are discussed in a workshop with Finnish ministries and other Finnish stakeholders.

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Projektende: 2024



Ministry of the Environment Finland