Annex to the final report “Funding climate-friendly soil management: Appropriate policy instruments and limits of market-based approaches”

Analysis of ten selected crediting methodologies for climate-friendly soil management

  • Dr. Lambert Schneider
    Forschungskoordinator für internationale Klimapolitik / Senior Researcher Energie & Klimaschutz
  • Hugh McDonald
  • Ana Frelih-Larsen
  • Aaron Scheid
  • Andreas Gattinger
  • Wiebke Niether

This report is an Annex to the report „Funding climate-friendly soil management: Appropriate policy instruments and limits of market-based approaches“ which constitutes the final report of the research project “Nature-based solutions for climate protection: market-based instruments to support climate-friendly soil management” (FKZ 3721 42 502 0). It presents the detailed assessment of ten crediting methodologies on climate-friendly soil management measures which the final report builds upon. The rules and methodologies of ten selected crediting methodologies are assessed against a set of guiding questions/indicators. A synthesis of the analysis is included in the final report of the project.
