Commissioned by Agora Energiewende

Analysis of the European Commission proposal for revising the EU LULUCF Regulation

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This paper addresses national and EU policymakers, experts and NGO-representatives looking for an interpretation of the European Commission’s (EC) proposal for a revised LULUCF Regulation and other suggestions for revisions currently published. The aim of this paper is fourfold: First, it aims to present an overview of the EC proposal for the revision of rules for treating the LULUCF sector under the EU’s climate policy. Second, it discusses central assumptions that are underlying the Impact Assessment and other policy documents that form the basis of the proposal. Two case studies of national level perspectives on these assumptions are meant to complement the analysis. Third, we draw on the analysis to identify remaining risks for the environmental integrity of the EU’s policy architecture from and during further integration of the land-use sector into the EU’s climate policy. Finally, we review the proposed amendments of the LULUCF Regulation in the draft report of the rapporteur in the European Parliament ENVI Committee and draw initial conclusions.

Click here for a data collection file for GHG emissions of EU Member States from CRF sectors 3 (Agriculture) and 4 (LULUCF)
