
Approximated EU greenhouse gas inventory 2016

  • Lukas Emele
    Gruppenleiter Energiepolitik & Szenarien / Senior Researcher Energie & Klimaschutz
  • Wolfram Jörß
    Gruppenleiter Carbon Accounting / Senior Researcher Energie & Klimaschutz
  • R. Fernandez
  • M. Sporer
  • F. Dejean

This briefing presents early ‘approximated’ (proxy) estimates of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for 2016 in the European Union (EU), as reported by Member States in July 2017. Detailed results are available in the report, Approximated European Union greenhouse gas inventory: Proxy GHG emission estimates for 2016.

The report was prepared on behalf of the European Environment Agency, as partner of the European Topic Centre on Air Pollution and Climate change Mitigation.