Final report

Assessment of options to improve particular aspects of the EU regulatory framework on batteries

The general aim of this final report for the project “Assessment of options to improve particular aspects of the EU Regulatory Framework on Batteries” is to support the European Commission in the preparation of their Impact Assessment for a new regulatory framework for batteries in the EU. This study, which was prepared by Oeko-Institut, Ramboll and Umweltbundesamt Wien, seeks to assess possible measures and actions for the improvement and development of the new regulatory framework. In particular, it aims to overcome the shortcomings in the Batteries Directive 2006/66/EC that were identified during the previous evaluation study or have later been brought to the attention of the Commission. The study develops and assesses the impact of the specified measures and choices for actions (sub-measures) by calculating, analysing and evaluating the environmental, economic and social impacts. Based on the detailed assessments and proposed sub-measures per measure, this final report compares different sub-measures and concludes in a preferred sub-measure for each measure.
