
Implementing the EU 2040 Climate Target: Building blocks and measures

  • Nils Meyer-Ohlendorf
  • Nora Kögel
  • Sabine Gores
    Stv. Bereichsleiterin / Senior Researcher Energie & Klimaschutz
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The European Climate Law (ECL) requires the EU to adopt a climate target for 2040. The Eu-ropean Commission recommends an EU climate target for 2040 of 90% reduction in net GHG emissions by 2040 (compared to 1990). Achieving emission reductions on this scale is indispensable if the EU is to stay on a realistic path towards climate neutrality by 2050 and net negative emissions thereafter.

To achieve emission reductions on this scale, the EU must meet its 2030 climate target and scale up its current reduction efforts significantly. With existing measures, as published by the European Environment Agency (EEA) in 2024, the EU is projected to only reduce net emis-sions by 54% in 2040, and 62% if additional measures are implemented. The EEA projects that the EU is currently set to miss its climate neutrality target for 2050 and its 55% reduction target for 2030. Even with additional measures, net emissions are projected to fall by only 66% in 2050, and by 49% in 2030. With existing measures, emissions are projected to decrease by 43% in 2030 and 57% in 2050. Considering these projections for the EU as a whole, no eco-nomic sector is currently on track to achieve the required emission reductions.
