Planning Cultures and Cultural Dimensions of the Energy Transition

Initial results on regional identities and requirements for participation in planning

  • Dr. Melanie Mbah
    Forschungskoordinatorin für Transdisziplinäre Nachhaltigkeitsforschung / Senior Researcher Nukleartechnik & Anlagensicherheit
  • Ryan Kelly
    Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Nukleartechnik & Anlagensicherheit
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This presentation explores the role of regional identities in shaping participation requirements for planning processes, particularly in the context of renewable energy development. It examines theoretical concepts such as place attachment and place identity and applies them to three model regions in Germany: the Black Forest, the Ruhr Area, and Vorpommern-Greifswald. Key findings indicate that regional identity influences collaboration needs, participation expectations, and openness to transformation. The study highlights the importance of regionally adapted participation formats, transparency, and fairness in benefit distribution. Finally, it raises critical questions about integrating cultural dimensions into formal and informal planning procedures.
