Feasibility study on options for developing environmentally sound recycling solutions in Nigeria

Management of End-of-life Flat Panel Displays through E-waste Compensation in Nigeria

The following study addresses the possibilities for responsible management of end-of-life flat panel displays in Nigeria. For this, it explores types of flat panel displays, their markets as well as responsible options for suitable recycling along their reverse value chain from collection, storage, de-pollution and dismantling to downstream solutions. A special focus is set on hazardous fractions such as mercury containing backlights and brominated flame retardants (BFR) in plastics. Furthermore, the study explores the implementation of the concept of ‘e-waste compensation’ (also called ‘offsetting’) in the context of flat panel screen recycling in Nigeria in practice. E-waste compensation is a concept where manufacturers and/or users of IT contribute to sustainable recycling of end-of-life devices. The study was carried out under the project E-waste Compensation as an international financing mechanism in Nigeria (ECoN) with the project partner Closing the Loop organizing environmentally friendly and suitable collection, transport and final management together with partners Verde Impacto Nigeria, Hinckley Recycling Ltd., in Nigeria. SRADev Nigeria and Oeko-Institut e.V. guide the project from a local policy and scientific perspective.
