Version 1.0

Methodology for assessing the quality of carbon credits

  • Dr. Lambert Schneider
    Forschungskoordinator für internationale Klimapolitik / Senior Researcher Energie & Klimaschutz
  • Felipe De León
  • Mandy Rambharos
  • Tani Colbert-Sangree
  • Sophie Progscha
  • Brad Schallert
  • John Holler
  • Kelley Kizzier
  • Annie Petsonk
  • Alex Hanafi
  • Pedro Barata
  • Chista Ogata
  • Walter Stuart
  • Darcy Jones
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Carbon markets with high-quality credits could play an important role in raising the ambition of climate action and help close the gap between current climate commitments and the necessary decarbonisation of the global economy. If carbon credits lack quality, however, their use could also undermine climate action.

Carbon credits have gained revived interest as a carbon market instrument in recent years as climate ambition has grown. Given growing demand for carbon credits, practical and trusted guidance is critical to help buyers navigate the complicated carbon credit landscape and enable them to identify high-quality credits.

This document provides a methodology for evaluating the quality of carbon credits against seven overarching quality objectives.

The methodology was developed in the framework of the Carbon Credit Quality Initiative initiated by Environmental Defense Fund, WWF-US and Oeko-Institut.

Learn more at www.carboncreditquality.org   

Click here for Version 2.0 of "Methodology for assessing the quality of carbon credits"