Background paper

Options for outcomes on the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture at COP26 and future work on agriculture under the UNFCCC

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The agricultural sector has been integral to the multilateral climate change process since the beginning, with explicit references in the Convention and the Kyoto Protocol. Technical discussions on agriculture under SBSTA have taken place since 2012. With the adoption of the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture (KJWA) in 2017, the issue has seen renewed attention. In 2018 Parties agreed on a roadmap until COP26 that sets out a schedule for technical workshops, related workshop reports by the UNFCCC secretariat and submissions by Parties and observers. At COP26 the subsidiary bodies (SBI and SBSTA) are expected to report back to the COP on progress and outcomes of the KJWA and Parties will need to find agreement on the future of the KJWA. This background paper briefly outlines the history and state of play of the KJWA and explores options for the report back on outcomes of the KJWA and for a decision on the future of the KJWA at COP26.

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