Key issues for the EU 2040 and 2050 target

Policy Brief: Maritime transport in the EU climate policy

  • Verena Graichen
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The briefing provides an overview of the status quo and recent changes of EU legislation for the maritime transport sector and analyses whether the legislative situation after the Fit-for-55 package makes the maritime transport sector fit for a potential 2040 target and the 2050 target of the EU.

The new EU climate policies adopted for maritime transport in the Fit-for-55 package are an important step to address a previously unregulated international sector. To keep up the newly gained policy momentum, the EU should include international transport in the scope of the EU 2040 climate target even if it means setting a lower absolute target. Reviews scheduled for new maritime policies (EU ETS, FuelEU Maritime) are important to extend the coverage, increase ambition, further incentivise climate-neutral fuels and respond to potential policy implementations at the IMO.
