PROSAplus Guideline

PROSA – Product Sustainability Assessment (english version)

  • Dr. Florian Antony
    Gruppenleiter Nachhaltige Ernährungssysteme & Lebensweisen /Senior Researcher Produkte & Stoffströme
  • Prof. Dr. Rainer Grießhammer
    Senior Adviser
  • Jens Gröger
    Forschungskoordinator Nachhaltige digitale Infrastrukturen / Senior Researcher Produkte & Stoffströme
  • Rasmus Prieß
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This brochure was produced as part of the joint research project “SDG Assessment – Further development of a sustainability assessment method based on the sustainability goals of the United Nations (Agenda 2030)”. The project on which this brochure is based was funded by the Federal Ministry on Education and Research in the funding programme Social-Ecological Research under the funding code 01UT1901B. The project team is responsible for the method.

The joint project was carried out by the ZNU – Centre for Sustainable Leadership at the University of Witten/Herdecke (project management) in cooperation with Oeko-Institut e.V. The project team consisted of Dr Ulrike Eberle (project management), Julius Wenzig, Dirk Pieper (all ZNU) and Martin Möller (deputy project management), Rasmus Prieß, Jens Gröger, Dr Florian Antony (all Oeko-Institut) and Prof. Dr. Rainer Grießhammer.
