Background paper

Results of the KJWA – Options for outcomes to be included in the report back to the UNFCCC and further use

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This paper provides an overview of the outcomes of each of the six workshops that have been carried out under the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture (KJWA) under the UNFCCC and identifies potential elements that could be included as outcomes of the KJWA in the report of the SBs to the COP. The potential of each of the identified elements to generate consensus is evaluated based on the content of UNFCCC documents and the authors’ expert judgment. Key issues that will likely be included in the outcomes of the KJWA include food security and food sovereignty, with a possible reference to SDG 2 (zero hunger), the important role of farmers, especially smallholder farmers, for action in agriculture, inclusion or consideration of women, youth, and indigenous peoples, the co-benefits resulting from adaptation and mitigation action in agriculture, e.g. for biodiversity, and the creation of enabling environments for the implementation of action in agriculture. The need for increased means of implementation (MoI) and the mobilisation of resources for improved implementation of climate action in agriculture is a general theme across all KJWA workshops and is of special relevance to developing countries. As such it will likely feature in the outcomes of the KJWA. The need for better data, methodologies, models and decision-making tools was also identified as a cross-cutting element to all topics and should thus be addressed in future work of the KJWA. A continuation of the KJWA will require agreement by Parties on the modalities of future work. Diverging views on this issue indicate that further discussions will be needed at COP26.

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