Final report

Study to identify and assess the feasibility of measures to enhance the impact of Directive 2006/66/EC

This is the final report for the project “Study to identify and assess the feasibility of measures to enhance the impact of Directive 2006/66/EC”, hereafter referred to as the “feasibility study”. The purpose of the work is to support the preparation of the impact assessment of a new legal framework on batteries conducted by the European Commission. The Batteries Directive entered into force in 2006. Its review process and the Commission’s impact assessment are part of the revision of the Directive and the development of a new EU regulatory framework on batteries. In this feasibility study, Oeko-Institut and Trinomics have developed and assessed a range of sub-measures, addressing 13 measures which have been identified as needing improvement in the current Batteries Directive. Stakeholder responses to key impact assessment questions informed the study; stakeholders also offered information and data. Probable social, environmental and economic impacts were assessed for the sub-measures of each measure; monitoring possibilities were outlined. A preferred sub-measure for each measure was identified.
